About Us

The History of Sodour Ahrar Shargh Knowledge-based Company (SASh Co.)


Sodour Ahrar Shargh Knowledge-based Company (SASh Co.) was founded in 2003 in Tehran by Mr. Mohammad Hassan Nazaran to achieve advanced technologies.

In the same year, the production of Chelated Iron fertilizer marked the emergence of a new generation of fertilizers under the brand name Khazra. In the subsequent years, the production of Khazra fertilizers was expanded to include various chelated fertilizers.

Achieving Nano-technology

In 2006, the company succeeded in achieving nano-technology and entering this strategic field. In the same year, following the demonstration of the efficiency of Khazra Nano Chelated Iron fertilizer, with the direct order of the Minister of Agriculture at the time, this product was used as a pilot project in 3000 hectares of agricultural lands in Iran.

Achieving the Only Nano-Brand in Iran's Agricultural History

In 2008, SASh Co. received the first and only Nano-Brand in Iran's agricultural history from the Nanotechnology Innovation Council (NIC) of Iran's Presidency office. From that year onward, SASh Co.'s research in the medical field began in earnest.

Patenting the Technology at the Intellectual Property Center (IPC) of Iran

In 2009, Mr. Nazaran patented his unique technology at the Intellectual Property Center (IPC) and Trademark Registration Office of Iran.

Recognition as a Top Technology Provider by the Nanotechnology Innovation Council (NIC)

In 2010, SASh Co. was selected as a top technology provider by the Nanotechnology Innovation Council (NIC) of Iran's Presidency office for its mass production of Khazra Nano Chelated Iron fertilizer. In the same year, the SASh Co. research and development department initiated studies in the field of cancer to treat this disease.

Patenting the Technology in the United States and European Patent Offices - INSCX membership

In 2011, for the first time in Iran's history, RUSNANO (the main state-owned company active in nanotechnology in Russia) requested technology transfer from SASh Co. to produce nano-fertilizers and establish a factory in Russia.

Recognition as the Top Nano-technology Company of Iran by IUI

In 2012, as part of the international registration of advanced Chelate Compounds technology, Mr. Nazaran patented his unique technology under the title "Chelate Compounds" in the United States Patent and Trademark Office. In the same year, this technology was filed in the European Patent Office.

In the same year, in the agricultural field and by introducing Khazra Chelated Nano fertilizers, SASh Co. became an official member of the only international scientific-commercial exchange for buying and selling nanoproducts, the Integrated Nano-Science & Commodity Exchange (INSCX).

Production and Introduction of a New Generation of Supplements Under the Bonza Brand

Less than a year after this event, and following the publication of news related to this technology on the official website of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), in 2013, SASh Co. was selected as the top Iranian company in the field of nanotechnology by the International Union for Industrial Inventions and Innovations (IUI), headquartered in Switzerland.

Membership in the American Chemical Society (ACS)

In 2014, SASh Co. began research in livestock, poultry, and aquaculture. These research efforts culminated in 2015 with the semi-industrial production of chelated feed supplements and the introduction of a new generation of supplements under the brand name "Bonza." In the following years, other specialized Bonza supplements for livestock, poultry , aquaculture, and honeybees, as well as Bonza Single Element supplements, gradually reached mass production and became available to stakeholders in these sectors.

Winning the First International Festival of Iran Inventions Grand Prize

In 2016, following an official invitation from the American Chemical Society (ACS), recognized as the largest and oldest scientific society globally, Mr. Nazaran became a member of this society.

In 2016, in the field of chemistry, he was selected as the winner of the First International Festival of Iran Inventions Grand Prize.

In the same year, an influential company active in the field of patent valuation at the international level evaluated the patent for advanced Chelate Compounds technology in three areas: chelated nano fertilizers, livestock chelated feed supplement (Bonzaplex7), and poultry chelated feed supplement (Bonzachicken), and exposed it to international joint venture agreements. Following this development, large companies active in the agriculture, livestock, and poultry sectors, such as the 150-year-old US company of “Cargill,” the Canadian company of “ATP Nutrition,” and three European companies, expressed readiness to collaborate with SASh Co. Despite several negotiation sessions and the willingness expressed by these companies, due to obstacles arising from sanctions, this collaboration did not materialize.

Since 2016, following the publication of outstanding results obtained from SASh Co.'s anticancer nanodrug in cellular and animal studies, this nanodrug entered the human trial phase. The successful outcomes, particularly in extending the lifespan of patients, were published in the reputable Journal of Nanobiotechnology.

Positive Results of the Clinical Trial of the Anti-COVID-19 Package

In 2020, following the COVID-19 pandemic, a CTA (Clinical Trial Authorization) was obtained from the Ministry of Health and Medical Education of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the COVID-19 antiviral drug package synthesized by SASh Co.'s Research and Development department showed promising results in an investigation on hospitalized patients at Masih Daneshvari Hospital in Tehran.

From 2020 Till Now

Throughout these years, the remarkable and unprecedented results obtained from the application of Khazra and Bonza products, as well as drugs produced based on advanced Chelate Compound technology, have been disseminated through hundreds of reports, articles, and documentary films. SASh Co.’s scientific articles in the fields of medicine, livestock, poultry, aquaculture, and agriculture are accessible on reputable platforms such as ResearchGate, Google Scholar, Scopus, PubMed, and ORCID under the name of the company’s CEO (Mr. Mohammad Hassan Nazaran) and other members of SASh Co.’s Research and Development Department.

Due to the unparalleled quality of products produced based on advanced Chelate Compound technology, for the first time in Iran’s history, SASh Co. has succeeded in mass export of chelated products to various countries worldwide. In an evaluation conducted by the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy of Iran’s Presidential Office, among approximately 10,000 knowledge-based companies in the country, this company was ranked in the top tens of knowledge-based export companies. Leveraging this technology, the company continues to develop products based on advanced Chelate Compound technology in various fields to enhance the qualitative and quantitative efficiency of various industries while adhering to environmental requirements.

Sodour Ahrar Shargh Company’s mission is to provide the general public with a better, longer, healthier, and more enjoyable life by using its innovative and unique technology in various fields worldwide.